COVID-19 and Sparrow - Clean-Point | ||||||
The spread of the COVID-19 virus can be stopped and Sparrow can help. Assign a Sparrow Clean-Point marker to the areas that need cleaned on a regular basis. Affix the marker to a location near the area. When the cleaners come through, once they are complete, they scan the marker and report what activities they performed. Their activity is logged and an up-to-the-minute report is updated - Who was where, when, what did they do there. |
How sanitized is your space? Organizations that work with the public need to be assured that their spaces are clean. The public wants to be in clean spaces to prevent spread of the contagion. When was the last time the front door was wiped down? Who did it? Are you sure? What about the counter? Credit card machine? Light switches? Bathrooms? Soda Machine? And, not just wiped down, but what additional actions were performed? Spray, wipe, bleach? Sweep? Mop? Disinfect? Do you know? You can keep a paper log... but where is it located, is it accurate and is it up-to-date?. Sparrow Clean-Point logs when the people cleaning report what they have done... Who they are, Where they were, When they were there, What they say they did. |
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Cleaner Sees? Through the Sparrow Viewer app, the person cleaning scans the Sparrow Clean-Point Marker with their cellphone or tablet. They are presented with a custom list of appropriate activities for that area. They simply check off the activities that were performed and can leave an optional note regarding what they saw or what they did and then they click "Report". Sparrow's secure and dedicated database is updated. Management can see the notes and optionally receive emails when spaces are reported. A live up-to-the-minute color coded report is updated to indicate which areas are clean and which need to be cleaned again. The up-to-the-minute report can be made public so that your staff and customers can be assured that the areas they are in are clean. The log of cleaning activity can be exported, reveiwed and used to minimize exposure to potential liability. |
Getting Started and Setup? You need to put together a list of the spaces and things that need cleaned on a regular basis. Email that list to Pelican Technologies. Within an hour, we will have a dedicated and secure Sparrow web portal created for your location. We will pre-load the list of locations into that portal and provide you with management user access. Your team prints the Clean-Point Markers to sheets of AVERY labels and affixes them to the areas they belong. Setup is 100% online - Pelican will assist with remote training, support (if needed) and custom reports (if desired). The mobile app is free to download. There is a nominal monthly charge per location. Due to the pandemic, Pelican has discounted rates for Sparrow Clean-Point in effect and is waiving the initial setup fees for new implementations. Contact us now to ensure that your space stays sanitized. |
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